Welcome to my own little cyber corner. The first version of this site went live somewhere in 1996 with primitive HTML. Then there was azmeer.com with heavily re-engineered CSS since 2005. This effort I would say is a major upgrade 🙂
I have decided to use WordPress for this version for many reasons. Although I have done a lot of work with Joomla, a sophisticated open source CMS (Content Management System), this is my first attempt with WordPress. It took a little while as always to understand the analogy. But once you get the hang of it, it’ just smooth sailing. I have also shared some code snippets. As I found out, WordPress is NOT just another blog engine but a great content management tool too.
By popular demand I am sharing some of the projects I have done along with some not so important notes for those who are curious. I will keep on updating this site as and when I get time.
The Projects section contains many crazy and not-so-crazy projects I’ve been busy with. The “Lecture Notes” link contains the materials I developed for; well, educational purposes, to deliver speeches on various occasions.
As you might find out, I love tinkering with gadgets. These gadgets range from good’ol transistor radios to state-of-the-art digital systems. I love to see what’s inside and understand how things works. Someone said “simplification is the key to learning”; I suppose that’s what made me who I am today. Apart from being a technical geek, playing with graphic design and layout is another area I’m interested in. Projects section has few samples.
BTW, if you do not find what you are looking for, please let me know. I might be able to find the darn thing somewhere in my “back-up” box! And finally don’t forget to leave some comments.
Thank you for stopping by – Az