CCS3311 Software Quality Assurance – Lesson 6

The test engineer engaged in black-box testing only knows the set of inputs and expected outputs and is unaware of how those inputs are transformed into outputs by the software.

Boundary Value Analysis (BVA)

The basic idea of BVA is to use input variable values at their minimum, just above the minimum, a nominal value, just below their maximum, and at their maximum. That is, {min, min+, nom, max–, max}.

Decision Tables

  1. This type of testing also works iteratively. The table that is drawn in the first iteration acts as a stepping stone to derive new decision table(s) if the initial table is unsatisfactory.
  2. These tables guranatee that we consider every possible combination of condition values. This is known as its “completeness property.” This property promises a form of complete testing as compared to other techniques.
  3. Decision tables are declarative. There is no particular order for conditions and actions to occur.

Cause and Effect diagram

A “cause” represents a distinct input condition that brings about an internal change in the system. An “effect” represents an output condition, a system transformation, or a state resulting from a combination of causes.

Kiviat chart

Visually displays a set of metrics that provides easy viewing of multiple metrics against minimum and maximum thresholds. Each radial of a Kiviat chart is a metric. All metrics are scaled so that all maximums are on a common circle and all minimums are on a common circle.

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